Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beginning the conversation

What is conversation? Well, for starters, it is the best place I can think to begin this blog. I am a lover of conversation, of communication with others. My reason for starting this blog actually came from the fact that I currently live away from many of the people with whom I most enjoy conversing. While technology has not yet developed a way for me to pop into my friends' living rooms across the planet, the internet is an okay intermediary for parts of what I miss.

I appreciate and utilize a great deal of technology everyday. However, when it comes to the technology that most directly affects my relationship to other human beings, I am fairly wary. For several months now, I have been facebook free and have not missed it. I am not entirely against facebook, but I am against me using it because I found it decreased the frequency thoughtful discussion with my closest friends and encouraged in me a more superficial interest in the lives of others.

So, why blog now? After several prods from Andrea, I pondered it for awhile. I certainly do not consider blogging to be a replacement for my conversation with loved ones. I do frequently e-mail or write to my friends about the sort of things I will be posting here. So, why bother?

I think the best reason for me is to open up my thought for conversation. A blog allows all of my friends to participate in one arena in a conversation. It also leaves the door open for new people to come in. Most importantly, it requires me to put my thoughts out in the world in a way that is open to conversation. Not all of these thoughts are diamonds (and the spelling and grammar will almost certainly lack precision at times...), but I want to be in the habit of thinking with others. Even if no one besides my closest friends ever happen across this blog, it will have been worthwhile to pursue clarity in my own thinking and ever more openness to dialogue with the world at large.

Good communication relies equally on openness to the thoughts and feelings of others and on the practice of clear presentation of one's own ideas. I will raise my glass (a.k.a: bottle of water) to what I hope will be a great conversation.
Watching, Reading, Eating

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