Monday, June 24, 2013

Ring, ring...You calling me?

I recently had a fantastic visit to Bozeman, Montana. There are a number of joyous experiences to relate (one of the best being my friends pulling a great surprise on me), but, as usual, the thing that sticks with me are the great conversations.

Over the week I was there, we had a couple different conversations about phones and laptops that brought me back to my old desire to be rid of having a personal computer. Now that I work online, however, it is a lot less likely I will be able to, at least while living here. But, my planning juices are flowing, and I have decided to start part of my technology reduction plan.

I am moving to Copenhagen in less than two months, at which point I will either have to get a new cell phone there or choose to live without one. My current decision is to go without one, so I am starting while I am home with a gradual adjustment. I am going to start only turning my phone on twice a day. Once in the morning, once in the late afternoon. I will be able to get any messages and reply in a reasonable amount of time.

After I get into the swing of this, I will come back and write a bit more about the interplay of technology as improvement or as distraction. For now, I am going to shut my phone off, and find batteries for my old Elmo alarm clock.

1 comment:

  1. Man, girl, I suck at following blogs when I'm not at work and around the internet all day.

    I'm glad you came to Bozeman :)

    Now I have to go read all of the other ones I've missed out on....
